Sunday, October 08, 2006


BOREDDDDDDD... decided to use another colour font, cos brown is a bit of a sad colour.
so.. watched the last samurai couple nights ago, and it's sorta similar to gorillas in the mist... they always kill the brave ones, and the ones that were there originally.. gosh, just make me hate humans... not like i do anything to help, but still, i just wonder at our 'evil-ness'.

hmm let's make a list! cos i like lists : )
favourite books:

series of unfortunate events (lemony snicket) - so full of clues, puzzles and mystery!
princess diaries (meg cabot) - weird and funny
harry potter and the half-blood prince (jk rowling) - the only one in the series that made me laugh
'pirates in an adventure with' series (gideon defoe) - so funny and random!! but got factual stuff too
manga: hana kimi/yakitate!! japan/beauty pop/sentaro/ouran host club
favourite shows:

gilmore girls
criminal minds
my wife and kids
meerkat manor
favourite movies:

finding nemo
lion king
the last samurai
she's the man
favourite foods:

ice cream: baklava mixed with vanilla/green tea
sandwiches...with nice fillings - not nutella etc.

haiya... ok can't think anymore.................................. let's do something else.... so what am i excited for that's coming up?? let's see, cc oni's b'day! and the Jap festival! omg, really dunno wat to write, but trying to escape making science notes... in the middle of doing 'evolution'...
let's talk about, INDIAN MOVIES den.. cc oni likes them, and they last for ages! so i'm bound to see it on the tv, especially when she borrows like 4! storyline: girl likes guy, but the parents don't approve, so they sing and dance and chase each other and stare and cry to express their love, so at the end, they got close, look at each other's eyes, and after what seems like an eternity, they HUG... no kiss ya anyway, like 2 days ago on the dvd, there's this scene where the girl is looking at the guy dancing and she's getting all teary, then after the guy (who is part of this dancing group who were hired for some event) finishes his routine, the girl starts running and goes into her (hotel?) room, but when she turns around, the guy is ALREADY in the room.. how did he beat her?? she was RUNNING! hmm yea.

bla bla bla blabla think about it, (just a random thought) our ancestors are actually fish... and bacteria etc.
oh, speaking of animals, i gave the cats chicken neck today, but biscotti, being a spoilt 'house cat' (even though she's not allowed inside) 'cannot' eat big chunks of anything, she never digs her teeth into something and munch on it... so she like nips bits of it, and then walks away going 'mewh' then swishing her tail onto me.. so Phoebe is left with the neck, and she munches on it so yum soundingly.. all the bones cracking, and she's purring and you can hear all the 'nyap nyap' saliva sounds... and then... i see biscotti cleaning her face! gosh, she didn't even eat anything!!.... acts like a princess!
she's shedding a lot lately, so when i brush her, the whole backyard is filled with hairballs... sometimes i just pull her fur and the whole chunk comes off!but not so bad that there's bald patches, like KOSHI!!! he's so ugly now, cos he scratches so much that he's bald and looks like a sharpei, cos he's sorta still a bit chubby... but his skin is clean.. no disease or anything, so he's probably just bored..
unlike ponta, who's got le fungi!! (probably) his skin is all flaky and it looks like he has dandruff, basically what i had with my scalp before, and sometimes still ongoing now.. i'll hv to make that 'ointment' that i read in the guinea pig handbook, and give them a shower .. someday

only got one week of holidays left. help. ok another to do list: make notes and study!!!!
wash guinea pigs
exercise (ya as if)
practice piano (i hv no lessons for the next 4 weeks!!! she's going to Europe..)
study some more.

ok................................................ a bien tot! oh btw, we got the tickets!! so definitely going to INDO! :D
green is a weird colour
oh well, i'll change tomorrow... make this blog all *cheerful!!!* (*O*)v nyoh!

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