Monday, December 01, 2008

nguik times 2

i will be getting two rabbits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehe since cc cindy's friend is going to indo for good and so needs a new caretaker for his/her rabbits!
so far, all i know is: they're dutch rabbits (a small rabbit but bigger than dwarf), adult already, been spayed, and come ready with their own cage, food bowl, drink bottle etc! yay yay yay

i hope their cage is easy to clean and most importantly not afraid of people and doesn't scratch like oreo

and look at the "aloha~" rabbits! so cute!

but probably sold out by now cos i "add to basket" it and when i clicked on it again, it was "out of stock". i wish they'd open up an aranzi aronzo store here T___T. (or else i can just go to hong kong, taiwan, oosaka or fukuoka i wish) and why shipping fee so expensive especially to "oceania" *tear*

oh oh. just remembered there's such thing as clay! can always make your own cups and then draw on it right.... (omg copyright infringement) but the plastic ones are so much cuter!

(btw, saw today in borders another unnatural sounding word: thesauri -___-")

this is what the rabbits look like

small ei!

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