Friday, September 28, 2007


yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all done with exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now i shall reward myself: watch the new david attenborough DVD!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
(wa sounds so geeky. but i'm sure the planet earth will be really cool)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

yayyyy no more piano exams!! (for now)

just did my AMUS piano exam!! i'm satisfied with my playing, hopefully i get the results soon! (liz said it can take from 3 months to a year for it to come in the mail!!
o well
i am relieveeeeeeeeedddddddddd!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

stupid postoffice guy!!

you see someone waiting, obviously wanting some assistance because she's not in the normal queue like all the other people, but what do you do?? make small talk about how something was raised by "twenty bucks" this year, and commenting on how the numbers on the dockets are so similar "i thought they were the same! *Gasp*" omg actually do something useful!!
and when you serve the person who's been waiting silently, don't talk with a tone as if they're a bother to you, don't talk so condescendingly, just because i'm wearing a school uniform doesn't mean i'm so stupid that you have to ask such useless questions like "how much do you want?" when i give you $2 to swap for 20c coins, and don't waste my time by counting the 20cent coins slowly in a demeaning way before you give them to me. i can count them myself. i don't need some time-wasting idiot to tell me how to count by 20s.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

hehee photos!

this time of Ponta! and a pic of a pretty weed - for more go to my multiply.

Friday, September 14, 2007

dove at first sight

from (via cuteoverload)

Wednesday, September 12 2007

Monkey and pigeon

It's a tale straight out of Disney – an abandoned baby monkey, close to death, is revived by the love of a bird.

The 12-week-old macaque was rescued on Neilingding Island, in Goangdong Province, China, after being abandoned by his mother.

Taken to an animal hospital, he was weaned back to physical health but still showed little appetite for life.

It was not until a fellow patient, a white pigeon, took him under her wing and showed him love and affection that he perked up.

Now the two are inseparable, say staff.

They are not the first odd couple. In March, we told how a tiger cub in China was being raised by a sow along with her piglets because his mother didn't know how to feed him.

And in 2005 Mi-Lu the baby deer became best friends with lurcher Geoffrey at the Knowsley Animal Park, in Merseyside, after being rejected by her mother.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

love you, koshi : )

just as i said yesterday, don't want koshi to suffer anymore, and today he didn't anymore. Walked to the backyard to feed the boys, and saw koshi lying on his side, not moving.. obviously i knew what happened, but still, i was ambivalent whether to really feel sad or not. i checked whether he was really gone, but it was clear after his chest was not moving and his body felt really cold. i thought that i would feel more relieved, that he doesn't have to be in pain anymore, but still, to think that i went inside yesterday and made myself not go outside so that i don't have to face the fact that i'm neglecting him by not taking him to the vet, or even thinking that my stupid exams was more important, that i did not really have to make him better as soon as i can. i guess i didn't realise how bad a condition he was in, until i saw all the rough skin all over his side, and under his mouth. the saddest thing was that his eyes was still opened when he died, and you can see that he didn't go in his sleep. can't believe i just neglected him just because he had recovered previously, and because of some lazy hope, -thought- that the same thing will somehow happen again, even though i saw how he couldn't even eat or move properly. i'm so sadddddd!
i will always remember the pudgy, overweight, guinea pig who greeted me with a really girly squeak whenever i stepped into the garage and posed by putting one of his front paws on top of each other when i took a picture of him. the one i always made fun of cause he always looked like an tubby gay guinea pig. i'll remember you forever, my first real pet.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


have exams...again : (
but, still, i'll report to you new things that happened:

drove around the block in the car - scary, moved very slowly

watched ratatouille
- sooooooooo good!!! unintentionally laugh out (really) loud funny at times; i even downloaded the song "le festin" by camille (actually i downloaded the whole soundtrack :D)

something sad: the school principal died today, the assembly was so strange because everyone was quiet even before the teacher shushed them.

fed biscotti the new whiskas "so fishy" range
, and the food was "too fishy", that she couldn't stop licking her mouth and cleaning her face, and couldn't even finish the whole pouch! and when i gave the leftover (there was a lot) to phoebe, she couldn't finish it either!!
and a funny thing she did: she wanted to pee, but instead of digging a hole in the sand to pee in, she looked for an already dug up part of the sand, so she didn't have to dig... so lazy...

another sadder news - koshi's fungi skin problem is back. i tried shampooing him with the special shampoo, but not working, and he's really thin, not moving, and his eyes are wayyyy in his eye socket, and there's secretions coming out of it...
and he can't even chew food properly anymore, i gave him pellets, and he tried to chew it, but it just fell out, or if he does manage to swallow it, he really struggles.
haiyah, why now when i have exams and when i'm going to go away soon *sigh*
don't want him to die, but don't want him to suffer either... *sigh*

Saturday, September 01, 2007

mary, mungo, midge & slappy

waaaa so cute!!! found this article from about baby orphaned hedgehogs who decided that a brush is their mum! *awww*

here it is: dunno who the author is though..


Four tiny orphaned hedgehogs are snuggling up to the bristles of a cleaning brush - because they think it's their mother.

The four inch long creatures are being hand-reared by staff at the New Forest Otter, Owl and Wildlife Park in Ashurst, Hants.

Workers say Mary, Mungo, Midge and Slappy get comfort from playing with the centre's cleaning brush and enjoy rubbing against it.

Daft as a brush: These orphaned hedgehogs snuggle up to thier adoptive brush mother

The smells on the brush, which is used to sweep a yard, remind the hedgehogs of their natural habitat while the texture reminds them of their mother.

Manager John Crooks, 41, said: "They are a bit like human babies - they need activities to keep them busy.

"Because they have very poor eyesight you have to appeal to their sense of smell and touch by giving them different scents and textures.

"They like natural scents and have enjoyed playing with our cleaning brushes, soil, leaves, flower pots and the like.

"They particularly seem to enjoy rubbing against the brush.

"It may sound odd but I imagine the bristles feel a bit like their mum."

Tiny: Two of the little hedgehogs

He added: "Three of the hedgehogs came to us because their mum was sadly crushed by a council palette truck at one of their depots.

"They are only a couple of weeks old.

"The fourth one is a little bit older and was found wandering around a back garden in the middle of the day.

"The home owner left it alone for a while to see if it would find its mum but after a few hours it was still by itself so she brought it into to us."

The hedgehogs will be fed until they are full-sized and then they will be released back into the wild.

John said: "We are feeding them milk powder mixed with kitten food - but they don't like fish flavour - they prefer nice meaty chunks.

"When they get older they will move onto proper cat food and will occasionally be given slugs and snails as a treat.

"There has been a real surge in slugs this year because of the wet weather so hopefully that will mean a good year for hedgehogs too.

"I would urge people not to kill garden slugs with pellets because the poison will be passed on to hedgehogs and a build up of poison could be fatal.

"If the weather is good they could be released in a month or so, otherwise we will feed them over the winter so they do not hibernate and then release them in spring."

Playtime: The baby hedgehogs enjoy themselves with their 'mother'

He added: "They are quite a handful and each has their own character.

"One is quite snappy and another fairly sleepy."