Thursday, April 05, 2007

yoih, finally!

i'm back peoples!!! and i'm on my holidays now!!!!!!!!!!
hehehhehehehehhehe happy happy happy
but i'm already bored and this is the first day.

time for another list!! hehe cos i dunno wat else to write.
i finished the death note manga!!!! the story got so complicated and there was so many dialogue that i got lost and ended up just looking at the pictures. but now i wanna get volume 13 which is a "how to read" with things about the characters, what the authors thought etc.
went to hondarake! hehe finally.... and got sentaro #1, 2, 3, 6 and there was a sticker in one of them :D

oya, school news. i don't like maths now, and i'm so grateful that i've learnt all the stuff in tutor already; cos my maths teacher's gone on leave to recover from his operation : ( and so this other teacher comes into our class for like half the lesson to teach us for a while and then he goes back to his original class, but the way he teaches is so damn annoying!!
firstly, he doesn't let us copy the stuff he writes on the board, because he thinks that it's "annoying" when we write when he's explaining, but then at the end of the lesson, he says, "hurry up and write this down, i dont have time" omg. i (basically the whole class) 'dislike' him!!
and he talks to us like we're so stupid!! and he always stops after explaining something to see if we understand, but it gets annoying after a while cos we don't wanna go "yes, we understand" after every sentence, so he just stands there and there's like a pause/silence for a few seconds.... omg!!
i want my old teacher back!!!!

wa this entry is so full of hate.

ok den... more cheerful news... more cheerful news... hmmmmmmmmm oya koshi's hair's grown again!!! and it's so short and neat, and so he looks cute again *yay* and his fur feels like phoenix's (the baby phoenix) head!!
and yesterday, cc oni rented dvds. and i shall give my verdict:
lovewrecked (amanda bynes) - waste of time!!!! typical teen movie, and as usual, the girl character repeats the guy character's dialogue (or vice versa) to show that they (or the movie) is smart, which is really cheesy and it doesn't really work. um i don't think my sentence makes sense but o well.
save the last dance 2 - similar feel to the first one.
little miss sunshine - the characters make this a really good movie! those who've watched the movie will agree.

this blog entry is really crap
i'm sorry.


Anonymous said...

serius la?

Little miss sunshine bagus ya??

sebagus apa ni? klo bagus aku mo beli :D :D


(ノ・_-)☆*+cella:*+: said...

bagus bngt!
the characters are so different to what you usually see and it's funny too :D

yes, worth buying !