Monday, August 27, 2007


tonight was a lunar eclipse! the total eclipse was at 7:59pm but i forgot about it, so looked at it at around 8 something pm, but you can still see it a bit, though it was no longer red like the newspaper said it was supposed to be. At first i didn't think there was anything different, except that the moon is especially bright, but after 4 seconds or so, it kinda glowed this blue light around the moon's edges... and being a person who just got a new pentax camera ( :D ) i got it out cos the newspaper said that using a digital camera on zoom was a good way to see it (yes i trust the sydney morning herald) and so i did, but the picture turned out pretty crap, so i decided to record it, and the blue light/rays of the sun which i guess was 'coming out' from behind the moon, became more obvious, and the moon seemed kinda black... it was really weird when i watched the movie playback cos the area surrounding the moon was glowing sorta alien-like! or should i say ghost-like! because incidentally mum said that today is the hungry ghost festival thing when apparently all the ghosts come out..

for those that's not used to chinese superstition - lots of weird things happen at this time (even made into this singaporean -or is it malaysian- movie called 'the maid', where the maid accidentally swept the ashes of the burnt offerings or something, then weird things started happening to her) yes anyways... mum even said 'don't go out' when i said i wanna look at the moon, but then she went out to see herself anyways... and somebody else also said that when you're walking on the streets at night, don't look back or something, cos you might see some... spectral being... yes ok getting off topic to a topic which i'm actually afraid of.

ok my first attempt at putting a video on this blog! it's the clip of the (partial) lunar eclipse :D whoa~ (apparently the next time you can see it in sydney is 2011 o_o)

*note: i'll put the video up when the internet is fast again, because it's uploading around 5kb per second, and there's 49 mb so.... if i was to wait, it'll take about.... 163 minutes!!!

ok. so wait until the first of next month when the speedy internet is revived.

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