Girl #1, whispering: Oh my god, I'm choking on this macaroni. Girl 2: Then how are you talking? Girl 1: The macaroni is stuck in my throat straight up, and I'm breathing through the hole in the noodle. Girl 2: Ohhh, that makes sense.
hoho for those who watched the match on Thursday, you'd know what i'm gonna be talking about
i recorded the match cos apparently this "unknown", ranked 38th (not gonna jinx anything) is REALLY good. and after watching the hilarious, weird, original, sad, kooky, great JUNO, watched the recording!
omigoodness, this is the first match that i've watched that's made me talk to the TV, literally acting like a sport fanatic shouting at the TV (and made me talk like this person from school who uses words such as "amazing", "incredible" "magical" when she talks about Australian Idol...-___-") the match was Jo-Wilfried Tsonga against Rafael Nadal (#2) and from the start of their warm-up, they were already hitting serious shots at each other!
Nadal is #2, but as the commentator Jim Courier said (i like his commentary, not talking about tennis jargon which i don't understand), he's "always in overdrive", like he runs all around the court (haha thanks to Tsonga) and his already wet-looking hair is dripping in sweat (but his arm is so muscly migod! i wonder what it feels like to receive his forehand!), while Jo-W. is hitting all calm, 'running' to the net, and hitting volleys and drop-shots so effortlessly!! and the ball somehow just stops after the first bounce over the net!!!
and when Rafael N. doesn't get a point or something, his face is soooo disappointed! like *aggh.... - insert basset hound face -* compared to Jo-wilfried who doesn't have a reaction really, and some of his game was soooooo good Nadal was smiling in disbelief like everyone in the audience! and when it was only one more point until the match point, he was smiling, like, yes, let's just finish this..he's too good. seriously like he's never lost a set before in this Aus. Open, and now he's being beaten by the world #38 with a score of 6-2, 6-3, 6-2!!!! whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so happy i have it on tape (~__________~)V that's a relieved face haha reminds me of what kennysia thought of jay chou's face: -__- hahahaha ok.
can't wait for tomorrow's match Tsonga against Djokovic!! *tape ready*.
just watched the first episode ofpushing daisies, the new series that's gonna run on channel 9 in February (how u ask, well, got the DVD with the channel 10 and 9 previews that's supposed to come in the sunday newspaper early! haha perks of having someone work in the newsagency hehe)
The story is: Lee Pace (the guy who's gonna play with the girl who plays in Enchanted, in an upcoming movie called "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day" - about Emma Watson -the Nanny McPhee actress, not Hermione- who becomes the assistant of the Enchanted person -Amy something?- to help her find the right man to marry) ok anyways, Lee Pace is "Ned" this boy who discovered that since he was 10, or around that, could touch something dead and bring it to life again, he also has this girl who lives next door that he obviously has a crush on, but of course it's not all happy happy with his newly found gift and that something happens as a consequence if he does bla bla bla (yea don't wanna spoil it) but the storyline is really good! about Ned now, twenty...four? dunno, but anyways he has this pie shop called "the pie hole" and a bunch of stuff happens leading him to meet this other character, who helps him start this work, and thus the plot starts. (the pie makes me wanna watch waitress again T__T) the guy doesn't look as weird as he does on the promotional dvd from the newspaper, actually quite cute!
umm ya the show's inset song reminds me of the desperate housewives opening song/series of unfortunate events type of mysterious but happy music, and there's also a narrator that makes it seem like the SoUE again, and the story rolls pretty fast, so not bored. yes obviously i'm gonna be following this series and googling it once the new download limit is refreshed
also got the Princess Diaries book 9 today!! yayy (just realised since book 8 that the book only spans for about 2 weeks!)
numero UNO! packet cake! "hedgehog slice" from white wings it's basically a choc slice with biscuits in it (all i had to do was melt butter, egg and mix with the thing... no baking even!) yes, "scrumptious" - put too much icing though.. SWEET~(*^*)
numero DUO! pizza!!! (haha didn't make it, but it looks nice rite!) numero TRIO(?)! made "honey snaps" recipe from the frankie mag cookbook a bit salty though, so next time no salt, and butter instead of margarine and probably more sugar than honey
numero QUATRO(?)! made this morning; guess what it is looks like quiche yeah it's apple and sour cream slice!! (with a tart-like base!) pretty good actually yum with brown sugar on top
no i'm not sad, making stuff everyday, this spans the few weeks of my not so eventful but quite relaxing holidays.
next: BISCOTTI!! hahahhhhahah she sleeps weird: her head is up against the wall and her mouth is open!! hahahahahahhahaha (hahahhahhhahahahhaha yea i find it really funny) click to zoom in on the cute "o" of the mouth hahahaa
and CHINTA so excited cos she hasn't eaten leafy vegetables for a while (only carrot/cucumber - no fruit cos we don't eat fruit much) she doesn't realise
some BIG NEWS!! the ARANZI ARONZO PVC-LINED TOTE BAG came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yatta! hohohohho just after i called about it, it came delivered to the door just a few hours later *wa! even the bill paper is cute! (and the person who wrote the message is the one who replied to my email! how personal! yes.) came with 2 stickers with the computer character that's on their websitehaha cute monkey calculating the print on the bag is called "kappa hi hi" also got Hana to Yume #4, cos it has the one-shot (yomikiri) of hana-kimi -about the st.blossom girl disguising herself into oosaka high to find out something about mizuki - don't really understand T___T oh no there's a glare on sano! and got a mobile phone screen cover as the gift!! it's so other ppl can't see what ur typing when they're looking from the side. but my phone is so old fashioned- no colour, no camera, with the rubbery number pad (the only thing u can change is the picture, which u put in a thin slot in the back - i.e. u can draw stuff and put it there -) so the screen doesn't fit cos it's too small! :"( yayyyyyyyy reason for a new phone!! joudan.
and also got a book cover with "hoshi wa utau" illustration - so u can put it on ur book and cover whatever ur REALLY reading (*-----*!)
oya, i discovered some emoticon news! if you type " . . . . . . . ." (i.e. dots repeatedly) using the dictionary mode on your phone - my phone anyways - this face comes up!: (-_ __-") hahahhaha so cute! i thought it was a jap thing
and accidentally typed this on msn- :{) cute face ya! so improved to - (:-{)) with a head! ok shall finish with cute pics of biscotti nyoh rubbing on my leg and.... THIS! GAH (supposed to be cute, but turned out scary)
i ordered the ARANZI ARONZO BAG!!!!! cos after i "add to cart", i clicked on the item again, but it said it was out of stock, so i emailed them, and they said that if it was unavailable AFTER i added it to cart, that means i took the last one!!! yay yay yay!! (or should i say, "wai wai wai" - kero-chan style [from cardcaptor sakura...]- )
hohohoho so it should arrive in 1-2 weeks!!!! yayyyyyyyy
oh btw, bought my first frankie magazine, after just flicking through it for free at BORDERS, and i actually read the whole thing cover to cover and enjoyed it!! whoaaaaaaaaa
so good! and it actually has stuff to read, not much ads and got stuff to make/do as well - like a recipe from their cookbook and a sock-cat-toy from Miyako Kanamori's book -! and also competitions to win things and a free poster each issue. can't wait for the next one February 20th!
multiple posts in a day!!! and newly found MANGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA Ok. (you get the idea, give me manga and cute stuff and i'll be happy :D)
yay lists!!
WANTED - Matsuri Hino (mangaka of MeruPuri and Vampire Knight)
about "Armelia" (sound so prim, but no, manga's not like that) and "Luce" (this guy who looks like he lives in the type of house like Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of Caribbean). Luce gets kidnapped by these group of pirates, and the manga starts when Armelia, now known as "Alto", is recruitted into a ship belonging to the pirates that kidnapped Luce. the pirate-mates are so funny! (can't explain why) can't type much without spoiling (the somewhat easy to guess) story but it's really good!! and plus it's from matsuri hino, so it's not some cheesy manga that makes you go hmmmm.. yes as if bweh.
so go download!! from Sweet-Lunacy (link is to their "4-shared" folder), direct download too! so no fuss of IRC and only one volume! so can be satisfied straight away :D
OTOMEN - Kanno Aya about Asuka, a tough/cool/*kyaaaa* guy at high school who's number 1 in kendo etc. but he's actually hiding his real self, which is like a girl from a shoujo manga: attracted to cute stuff, prefers pink over blue, good at cooking/sewing and reads shoujo manga (his room is like a girly girl's room) but then he sees this girl and becomes friends with her (and this other guy too) and when he's with her, he can't help revealing his girly self - even his eyes become bigger and more sparkly- .. and the other guy that he sits with at lunch is actually a shoujo manga-ka who's really popular at the moment, and his story is based on himself, Asuka and the girl, so basically Asuka's the main girl character, and the girl (forgot her name), is the main guy character - cos she's not that girly and is crap at cooking - .
yea anyhoo the story is soooooooo funny! and the art is so niceee hahahahha i was laughing by myself at the computer screen when i was reading the bits when he forgets to put up an act, like when he was sad cos of him being fake, but then naturally moves towards a cute photo frame with flowers and bunnies etc in a shop hahahahhaha ok.
go download ppl! at Serenus-Dreamer's forum.there's volume 1 already, and first chapter of volume 2 is in the "new release" section of the forum
it's released by ChuangYi already, but nahhhh this way's quicker. ok don't condemn me official peoples.
Sugar Princess - Nakajo Hisaya (yep the Hana Kimi mangaka) downloaded this from ages ago, but just found the new chapters online (but saw from that after the second volume, it's on hiatus : ( o man)
ice skating manga, and as usual, with really good characters!!
the manga artwork is nicer than the cover shown here (i think) download from btw, people using irchighway, if you have troubles logging on, change the server to "" and change the port to 6660 (instead of 6667) wa sound like i'm a tech-y person ei, but no, i just found this on the irchighway forum haha. credit someone else.
hohoho don't blame me if you download too much and ur comp goes slow!! (mine hasn't, YET!)
Aranzi Aronzois a Japanese brand of craft books, homewares, clothing, bags, and all things cute (and even useful!) made by Mr. Aranzi and Mr. Aronzo ... even their site is kawaiii!!! got two of their craft books already, and just found their online shop today!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG it's especially for orders outside Japan - regret that i didn't know about their store in Tokyo and Osaka earlier!!!!! boooo - their stuff is so cute!!!! but the shipping fee to "oceania" dammit why Aussie needs to be so far away from everyone else is around $13! and that's the cheapest one :( not that it'll deter me from ordering this really cute PVC lined large tote bag with the kappa character....: (click to zoom)
BUT it's out of stock!!!! so have to wait till they make some more. IF they make some more booooooo
i could buy their original cloth with the prints and make my own one, but i'll just wait till they restock it (and plus i'm lazy haha) the prices are pretty reasonable actually, the bags are around $22...
Genki in Melbourne stocks their stuff, but i bet the shipping fee and stuff is put on top of it too :"( but still, i hope they have their tote bags!!! so cute and useful!!!! and that's the reason i use to buy anything!!!
to EVERYONE: go to their online shop and drool like me!!
it's been a while since chinta's been on this blog, so here she is! setting: towards backyard/laundry area, near chinta's house.
hello! cherry tomato!! so excited all the juices and seeds dribbled onto her neck (ie under the mouth) and everywhere on the floor.
nyoh such a cute mouth! she's actually reaching for the blueberry that i was holding above her head
see she won't let go of the blueberry cos she doesn't want me to take it (as i did with the tomato - cos i like feeding her), and the berry juice squirted on my foot. why is she eating on my foot? cos she had to reach over my foot to get the berry (instead of going around it) and after that she was too lazy to move.
standing on two legs sniffing the basket, showing all her tubby goodness fin.
MOYASHIMON - a tale of agriculture a new anime that just started in november 07 i think, and about this guy, Tadayasu Sawaki, who can see microbes with his eyes! -they're actually really cute and have funny voices - andthe anime's basically about him, his friend (forgot name) at their new agriculture university and their funny/random happenings.
the song is "curriculum" by sarasa lfu (yes it's spelt that way)
picture of the little yeast, fungi, bacteria, etc!!
cute icons of the yeast oryzae, and the black fungi that's usually in between bathroom tiles (forgot who made them though - go to the moyashimon livejournal community to see)
its own sake brand!
and it's even in nodame cantabile!! all the microbes infecting nodame's dirty apartment (on the side of the pages - click to zoom) NODAME CANTABILE - paris yayy the duo is back, plus new characters. it will be showing on the 4th and 5th january '08, i.e. in only TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!! GYABO!! yayy!
nodame as mozart
tanya played by becky, frank the french-otaku played by eiji wentz
chiaki's rival: jean, and the jumping conductor: katahira
some old, but i just found out news: BEAUTY POP(kiyoko arai) starting from volume 7 (apparently it came out after a LONG break), beauty pop will be called "beauty pop stage 2" dunno what the difference is though, currrently it's up to volume 8 and still going yippee!
VAMPIRE KNIGHT (hino matsuri) is gonna be made into an anime!!! it should start around now.... but dunno the actual date, and can't find many info on it yet, but here's the scan from LALA february '08 edition.