Wednesday, March 19, 2008


i won a double pass to see HORTON HEARS A WHO!!!
yayyyyy! it's from a boost juice competition again :D the last time i won a watch :D
hehe yay


Anonymous said...

sooooooooooo have you watched it????? It's sooooooooo funny!!! I can't stop laughing all the time, especially when horton was on the bridge! hahahaha..... horton is so cute... uuuuu..... (Leen)

(ノ・_-)☆*+cella:*+: said...

no not yet, me still waiting for the tickets to come - hope it doesn't get lost in the mail...

yea i saw that bit on the trailer!! when his trunk jadi gede and floats ye!

can't wait to watch!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha... iya...... '

anyway, abis ngeliat tiket nya di post-an terbaru kamu.... keren yah tiketnya? hahahaha....