Thursday, May 22, 2008

: )

did my music theory test yesterday, dunno if passed or not, but it's done! yay!
and today realised that i had a biology excursion!! and also, i got to go home from school early!! hehe :D

had a bio excursion to UNSW museum of human disease, and it was actually pretty interesting... there was A LOT of specimens. there was this kidney slightly bigger than an A4 size paper, a skin/"horn" thing which grew out of some person's elbow, gangrenous limbs, and a kinda sad one with a real four-week old baby whose mum died in a car accident - it was fully formed already, just like a tiny version of a baby with 10 toes and everything.
basically there was a section for every type of disease thinkable! (by me anyways)
and so...i think i'm gonna take the UMAT. just in case.
(actually should i? eh? eh? eh? haiyah..) - u need it for medicine/optometry/dentistry/pharmacy - not my choices actually... but kinda similar.... animal-y? oman..

anyways... pulled a thumb muscle whilst lifting my french dictionary.

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