Friday, June 06, 2008

it's my birthday today! for some reason not as excited as previous years, probably cos of the school-aura paranoia-ing me but anyhoooo
woke up very comfortably from a new blanket that mum brought out - so warm ahh- then ate mi goreng with fried egg for breakfast, then went to school.

Got a rose from jessie stuffed with some lollies and chocolates and overall a pretty normal day, besides the lack of rain (hmm).
had tummyache until like lunchtime - so felt like shitting but thank goodness it disappeared, always after mi goreng.
Was at the bus stop waiting to go to bondi for maths tutoring workshop but remembered about the rose which i put at the library, but when i got there, it was gone! :"( somebody else took mine and left a lonely gerbera instead, that was kinda mean of them, but i kinda felt bad cos somebody got it for me and it's kinda wasted..

anyways, maths maths maths


i happened to leave my phone at home today, and realised supposed to meet 'dori if i wanted "sthing" hahaha lol but felt so bad tsk tsk tsk of all the days i had to leave my phone haiyah.
and apparently she came to the tutor place but i left already! migosh.

anyhoo got home and read b'day wishes with cute picture messages, showered, cleaned guinea pig, fed the kinda thin-looking phoebe, ate dinner, blew candles, opened presents, ate mini tarts! they were so cute!

*update and yuuummy - so far i like the lemon one (middle) and berry one (bottom left), i stil have the chocolate one to go :D
got pyjama pants with cute pockets on the side,

more pyjamas with cute drawstrings and a new mobile phone! It's finally upgraded to one with colour and camera. There's even a program with it so i can upload music into it easily kinda cool actually...and it's really light!
anyhoo. i shall do my tutor hw now. au revoir chacun!

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