Saturday, June 28, 2008

'miracle fruit' and recipes

from the good weekend magazine from today's SMH (article by Andrew Humphreys):

apparently there's this berry, synsepalum dulcifium (haha i nearly typed falciparum vivax since just finished doing a biology research. anyways.) which can change the way your taste buds work after you chew and swirl the pulp around in your mouth!
"turning sour tastes sweet and sweet tastes even sweeter...chewing the fruit releases a glycoprotein called miraculin, which reacts to the acids present in sour foods and temporarily masks your mouth's ability to taste them...(lasting) about 30 minutes on average."

wow, kinda like a natural Willy Wonka candy!

yea anyways.
kinda haven't found a small-ish but good recipe site (since don't wanna browse through millions of recipes if don't have anything specific to look for), so decided to post some of my favourite recipes up :D (most of them are from my food-technology days in year 10 hehe)

Australian Damper
smells sooooo nice when it comes out of the oven!

2 cups self-raising flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp sugar
3 tbsp butter
1 cup milk

1. preheat oven to 180 degree celcious.
1. mix flour, salt, sugar in bowl.
2. cut butter to cubes and rub into the mix until combined.
3. add milk.
4. knead lightly on floured board until smooth (like a baby's bum).
5. shape into round loaf, brush with milk.
6. bake for 30-40 min or until loaf makes a hollow sound when tapped.

serves 4

Bush Tomato Dip
(to go with the damper)

300ml sour cream (no wonder it's nice :D)
2 tbsp basil
4 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp salt
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 dash Tabasco
1 tsp mountain pepper
2 tbsp bush tomato

mix ingredients in blender

serves 4

Chocolate Fudge Brownies
from a topic about 'health' but as you can see... who cares about the "reduced fat butter"

90g butter
330g caster sugar
50g cocoa
110g plain flour
75g self-raising flour
3 egg whites, beaten lightly
icing sugar (to dust)

1. preheat oven to 180 degree celcius.
2. grease a 19 x 29cm slice pan, line base with baking paper.
3. combine butter, sugar in medium bowl.
stir in the sifted cocoa and flour. (it looks kinda dry but should be wet-ish after the egg whites added)
4. stir in egg whites.
5. spread mixture into the prepared pan and bake for about 30 min
6. cool in pan
cut into portions
dust with icing sugar

serves (i dunno really, depends on how big you cut it) if small-ish squares..... 15?
7. dust with icing sugar

uhhh getting kinda long... so continued in the next post.

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