Monday, July 02, 2007

big w pet centre

saturday, 23/06/07

stuck to my plan and went to Eastgardens at 9am!! i actually didn't mind waking up so early cos i know i'm gonna get some nice animal-related freebies ^_

so. turned out that the pet centre replaced the garden/plants area! and so, the pet section was REALLY big!! hehehe was sooo excited!! the left section was for the birds and dogs, and on the right was the cats and little animals section!! and there was plenty of hay (i noticed that the quality of the hay changed - again- it was more leafy....which means.... easier to run out :"( ). anyhoo. got cat food and hay, and after paying at the cashier, got the purina goodie bag!! it's like the coles enviro bag and it looked like this: (double sided)

for the dog people

and for the cat people

hmmm notice how dogs are always associated with guys, and cats with girls?
anyhoo. the contents are really good value!! (it's supposedly worth over $20!) and here it is chacha!:

a nice flowery dog collar. fancy feast cat food. motor mouse toy. dog 'fresh breath chews'.
since i don't have a dog, the collar and the chew are going to cc yeni; but the cat food - prime chicken fillet flavour- i have to say is a better quality can food than dine! i gave it to biscotti for her breakfast, and it smelt so much like real human food, i actually went *yumm...* and the mouse toy has this string on its tail which u pull and let go to make it 'run'!! it's soo cute!! here's a close up of its kawaii face :D


i thought biscotti was gonna be all weird and be scared of it (like how she's scared of balls of a certain size) but she wasn't!! and so to capture the cuteness, had a photo frenzy a
gain! but i'll just put three here, hehe



got tired after a while.

and, since biscotti's really likes string, she keeps on pulling the string on the mouse with her teeth, and den after she stops pulling, it'll go *dddrrrrrrr* while she's holding the mouse in her paws. so cute!!
also, as usual, after a while, she gets bored of it, so i put the mouse on her head, but she doesn't realise it's there, so she's just sitting, with a mouse on her head hahahaha it's quite funny...not really though if u don't see it...

such a long post already, and only talked about free stuff. lalalalala. i shall finish with a pic of the owner of the camera which i used to take the photos.

guess who!

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